Capacity Building Training for Frontline Humanitarian Responders
UNICEF through its affiliate Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) commissioned Strategic Analytics and Management to conduct capacity building training for frontline humanitarian responders. The need for this training was a result of UNICEF engagements responding to the 2022 floods in KwaZulu Natal (KZN) where a key finding was the limited human resource available to the Department of Social Development (DSD) to support an effective and comprehensive response to mitigate the impact on children and families.
Strategic Analytics and Management has set out to strengthen the existing social service professionals’ capabilities by drawing on unemployed social service professionals and training a larger pool of social service professionals that can support the DSD in instances of disaster situation. This work will focus on building and strengthening the capacity of the social service workforce to help them prepare and respond to future humanitarian emergencies.
Developing and implementing a 3-day learning programme in child protection in humanitarian response (including on the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) for improved services to vulnerable children, including unaccompanied and separated children, children on the move and children with disabilities and gender-based violence in emergencies.
In collaboration with the Protection Working Group, to strengthen coordination structures for child protection response, including development of early warning systems in high-risk communities.
Engagements to plan the training activity with key stakeholders
Recruitment of Social workers and social work supervisors with DSD
Working with UNICEF to finalise preparation of training materials
Execution of the training program
Evaluation - baseline and post workshop
Writing up report on the program including the evaluation findings