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SEPT 2019 - JUN 2020

Mid-term Evaluation of the Bumb’Ingomso Program


DGMT contracted us to conduct the Mid-Term Evaluation of Bumb’INGOMSO, a 5-year multi-faceted HIV prevention project that is targeting young women aged between 15-29 years old, using a combination prevention approach that incorporates behavioural, biomedical, social, and economic interventions.

The Bumb’INGOMSO project aims to reach 39,000 young women and is being implemented in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM) by seven local implementing partners. The project is an initiative of the Department of Health and is co-funded by the DG Murray Trust (DGMT) and the Federal Republic of Germany, through KFW Development Bank.

Findings from the mid-term evaluation were utilised extensively by implementing partners and funders to review programmatic strategies and to strengthen the delivery of the various interventions aimed at delivering effective combination prevention of HIV.


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